"Mom! You should make a t-shirt that says, 'Music equals happiness'!"...this from one of my daughters as I (Sarah) verbally processed through some different ideas for our music studio. She nailed it. As a family, we love music. Even though some days a house full of 5 children simultaneously making music—and not always the SAME music—can bring on a serious case of sensory overload, music brings us joy like few things can. It is a constant companion, boasting tools that allow us to express big emotions in healthy ways. Empowering kids and adults alike with the skills to be able to confidently perform and create their own music is a passion of ours, and we would love the opportunity to share it with you. We opened the studio in 2021 with myself (Sarah) teaching piano lessons. Trevor (my husband) is a music nerd in his own right as he wears the hat of music teacher at our local school and can be found leading throngs of children either from the piano or with a ukulele strapped around his shoulder. In September of 2022 we excitedly welcomed Crisanne Werner to teach violin.